How to complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
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What is a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)?
A Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) is a practical survey questionnaire that is hosted on our secure Informed 365 platform.
Organisations use the Informed 365 platform to enhance collaboration with their supplier partners and gain a comprehensive understanding of the risks associated with modern slavery in their supply chains. They are also required to annually report on their efforts to address human rights or modern slavery risks in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Completing the SAQ is completely free, and most of the questions are presented in a multiple-choice format. Suppliers should be able to complete the SAQ within a timeframe of 45-90 minutes.
Organisations are looking to collaborate with suppliers who share their commitment to upholding human rights. Suppliers are strongly encouraged to promptly complete their SAQ.
If you have any inquiries regarding this article, the supplier platform, or the modern slavery legislation, please email or contact the organisation that invited you to complete the SAQ.
Steps for suppliers invited to complete an SAQ
Please carefully review and truthfully answer all questions in the SAQ. We may request evidence from your response. The SAQ is not a pass or fail process. Its purpose is to gather accurate information about workplace practices and procedures from suppliers. We understand that some suppliers may have gaps and areas for improvement. We encourage you to use the SAQ to better understand customer requirements and collaborate with us to manage risk.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How often will a supplier have to complete the SAQ?
You will always have access to your SAQ response on the Informed 365 platform. Organisations typically request suppliers to review and complete the SAQ at minimum 24-36 months. Some organisations request updates on annual basis, in line with their annual reporting cycles.
Privacy of your data
All responses stored within the Informed 365 platform are kept strictly confidential and can only be accessed by the organisation that has invited you to complete the SAQ. If the organisation is part of a consortium, your SAQ responses will only be shared with other organizations if you have agreed to this within the platform.
What happens if suppliers refuse to complete the SAQ?
Completing the SAQ allows suppliers to identify and manage risk, improve management systems, update processes and policies and customer requirements. Should a supplier refuse to complete the SAQ or provide information in a timely manner, organisations will respond to this in accordance with their own compliance and risk management processes.
What happens after suppliers submit the SAQ
You may be contacted by a representative of the organisation which invited you to complete the SAQ to seek clarification on your responses. This may require you to provide further evidence, e.g., photographs, copies of policies and procedures where risk is identified.
Should the SAQ identify multiple areas that need management, the organisation may issue you with a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) detailing how you plan to address the issues raised and by when. Organisations which seek to use this functionality will communicate further information to their suppliers separately.
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If you require assistance, please reach out via email to the Informed 365 Customer Support Team at